Apr 24, 2012


My pinscher is always scratching, what is it? What is the remedy?


The itching, or rash, isn't itself a disease but a symptom, and therefore may be present in various diseases.Firstly, it is impossible to a veterinarian diagnose the cause of an itch without examining the animal, make an extensive questionnaire to the owner and request additional tests (blood tests, skin scrapings, biopsies, etc).Just like us humans, dogs can also have allergies, and a common symptom in these cases is the itching.Allergy is an overreaction of the body to a substance.There are essentially three types of allergy in dogs, depending on the origin:
  • Dermatitis allergic to flea (and other parasites)
  • Food intolerance
  • Atopy

  • Dermatitis, Allergic to Flea Bites
The saliva of these insects and arachnids contains substances that may be triggering allergic reactions. Often the owner says he never saw a flea on your dog, but that's where the problem is ... Just for example, one to initiate the process fleas, and this will hardly perceived!The main symptoms are itching, especially in the groin, base of the tail and buttocks, down by these areas, and wounds, usually dispersed throughout the body.The treatment for allergic dermatitis to flea bites is based in particular the control of fleas and ticks and, where appropriate, with the use of symptomatic drugs (always oriented veterinary medical!) 

  • Food Intolerance
It is usually an allergic reaction caused by chemicals in the diet or, in some proteins contained in meat, especially beef. In the case of animals fed with "home cooking" this kind of problem can also be a result of various spices used in the preparation of "food" that is given to the animals.
The main symptoms are manifested with intense itching, redness and flaking skin, and often self-harm injuries, caused by the action of the nails of animals to scratch themselves.Treatment usually is associated with the specific power supply (feed or homemade food) prescribed by a veterinarian. 

  • Atopy
Inside of allergies in pets is a big challenge, especially for the great variety of substances that may be involved: domestic hygiene products (soap powder, disinfectant, detergent, etc.), shampoos, perfumes (both theirs and yours! !), pollen of flowers, building materials, tobacco (including cigarettes), medicines, the list is almost endless...
Symptoms of atopy are similar to food intolerance.Treatment is often difficult, given the difficulty to detect the cause. The use of hypoallergenic products, changes in domestic hygiene procedures (don't use disinfectants, washing powder) and the animal is essential.

A warning about allergies is that often the animals are treated poorly, and many end up taking high doses and long of steroids and other drugs without the proper guidance, which can be extremely harmful to the health of your pet and not effectively solves the problem. Many owners also want a quick treatment, which usually is not possible. Allergy problems can take weeks and even months to be diagnosed and treated, and in some cases, the animal must take regular doses of drugs to control symptoms, in a procedure called a pulse, not to mention that some procedures need to be conducted throughout animal's life. 

So next time your pet is scratching, do not go by the "tip of the neighbor," or by remedo "prescribed" by the owner of the pet shop. Look for a veterinarian, have patience, because treatment can be time consuming, and be cooperative, because the success of treatment will largely depend on your attitude, stay tuned!

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