Jan 30, 2012


Give your dog a good quality feed. The type of feed should be appropriate to the age of the Miniature Pinscher (baby, adult, senior) and the amount provided shall be in accordance with their size. Keep fresh water available to your dog.

Foods to Avoid

  • Homemade food: especially if any seasoned with spices, including salt.

  • Chocolate: is poisonous and can be fatal to the dog. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, apnea, thirst, convulsions, hyperactivity, cardiac arrhythmia and possibly death.

  • Coffee / Caffeine: has the same effect as the chocolate.

  • Alcohol: can cause vomiting, diarrhea, incoordination, apnea, blood acidity, coma and death.

  • Onions, garlic and chives: in every way, dried, fresh, cooked, because irritates the gastrointestinal tract of the dog.

  • Grapes and raisins: can cause kidney failure.

  • Avocado: can cause vomiting, diarrhea and heart problems.

  • Yeast: The yeast will continue to grow in the stomach of your dog and can cause bloating, gas (dogs can not belch) and even rupture of the intestines and stomach.
  • Meat and eggs: as well as in humans, these foods may contain salmonella bacteria and E. coli. Raw eggs contain an enzyme avidin, which can cause skin and coat problems in dogs.

  • Milk: dogs don't have a lot of lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose, and the consumption of cow's milk can cause bloating, diarrhea and other digestive problems.

  • Candies, tablets, Toothpaste, Baked: the substance contain Xylitol which can cause liver failure by excessive release of insulin, vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination and even liver failure.

  • Some bones: can choke or break into flakes that are housed in the digestive system. If you offer to your bones Pinscher, opt for long, with marrow, they are less likely to break, or artificial bones that break down slowly.

    The best for your Miniature Pinscher is undoubtedly a good feed, which has all the essential nutrients for a healthy life!

Jan 27, 2012


Deworming is a form of treatment / prevention, which prevents the parasites lodge in the indoor / outdoor animals.
This should be conducted by a veterinarian, who will evaluate the animal's condition and prescribe an appropriate deworming schedule for the same.

1. Deworming Internal:  
It is very important worming internally against all types of worms. And it must always be guided by the veterinarian. Are usually administered pills, or creams, every 3 to 6 months. In the case of baby dogs, they can be wormed from 2 weeks and then once a month until they reach 6 months.

2. Deworming External: 
The external Deworming is also very important, and there are plenty of anti-parasitic on the market, which may be specific to a single parasite, or several, in the form of collars, shampoos, sprays, pills, ampoules, and that some owners choose to use more than one product at the same time.

The best way to prevent your dog has both external and internal parasites is even prevent! 
Since they can get them anywhere, such as lawns, sidewalks or in contact with other animals. It not only use specific products for internal and external parasites, but also keep the place where the dog lives in hygienic conditions.

Parasites in Dogs

Dogs can be infested with two types of parasites:

1. Internal parasites:
Parasites that are located primarily at the level of the digestive tract. These parasites typically affect the esophagus, stomach and intestines, with area-specific parasites of the digestive tract, there are several genera and species, such as tapeworms and roundworms, commonly known as the "worms."
Some of the symptoms that the dog has internal parasites are: vomiting, diarrhea (which we are often visible parasites), weight loss (eg in the case of dogs we can see some swelling in the abdominal area and anemia).
These parasites can be transmitted by eating their eggs (found in water, food), transmitted by the mother dog or through intermediate hosts such as fleas.

2. External parasites
Parasites generally animals that feed on the blood of the dog, such as fleas, ticks, mites and lice.
Some of the symptoms that the dog has external parasites are: itching, allergic reaction to the bites, hair loss, intense itching and sores when it itches too. Apart from the discomfort that the parasites causing the animal, can transmit many diseases.

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Jan 26, 2012

Dogs 101: Miniature Pinscher


Regarding animal health, we must always bear in mind that it is better safe than sorry, so vaccinate your Miniature Pinscher to prevent the onset of disease.
All dogs must be vaccinated as soon as possible after the eight weeks of age varying the vaccination plan depending on the epidemiological situation of the various diseases in each geographical area.
To increase the efficiency of the immune response, the dogs should be vaccinated only if they are in good health, it is checked by the veterinarian through a thorough examination of the dog.

The dogs are usually vaccinated against:
  • Distemper 
  • Hepatitis Contagious 
  • Parvovirus
  • Coronavirose
  • Parainfluenza
  • Leptospirosis
  • Anger
  • Infectious tracheobronchitis. 
  • Kennel Cough 
  • Babesiosis

Vaccines that protect these diseases are given in doses at 6-8, 12 and 16 weeksof age, with the exception of rabies vaccine is given between 3 and 6 months of age, then we just have to make an annual booster .
After the vaccine, during a period of 10 to 15 days, you should avoid subjecting the dog to physical exertion and washing, as well as whether he should avoidcontact with contaminated environments.
After administering vaccines, dogs can have mild and short reactions that are translated by mild fever, muscle pain and drowsiness. Stronger reactions occurrarely whose side effects are manifested in a puffy face, rash and vomiting, if this should happen immediately go to the dog to the veterinarian near you.
Remember: The diseases against which vaccines protect are often fatal for your pet and some are transmissible to humans.


Be sure to vaccinate your Pinscher!


The Miniature Pinscher is a dog healthy by nature, but may have some health problems such as:

  • Double teeth that occurs when the baby teeth don't fall
  • Dislocation of the Patella would be a knee dislocation is a hereditary disease
  • Necrosis of the femoral head, a hereditary disease also  
  • Demodectic mange caused by the mite Demodex Canis 
  • Epilepsy can be controlled with medication.   
  • Bleeding in the stool when fed greasy and spicy foods the Pinschers may have severe intestinal infection

Jan 25, 2012

I Love My Pinscher ♪

I Love My Pinscher ♪
César & Alessandro

I bought a pinscher, Zero.
Everyone keeps saying that my pinscher was small.
And nobody took it seriously.
Time passed, I grew pinscher.
It was great, taught, so I got love.
It became a great friend.

I Love My Pinscher, he makes me much good.
Despite being evil, and very clumsy.
I do not give it to anyone.
The large bone in my pinscher.
If you will not regret it.
He's great is stubborn, he is brave, is nervous.
It can eat you.

I bought a pinscher, Zero.
Everyone keeps saying that my pinscher was small.
And nobody took it seriously.
Time passed, I grew pinscher.
It was great, taught, so I got love.
It became a great friend.

I Love My Pinscher, he makes me much good.
Despite being evil, and very clumsy.
I do not give it to anyone.
The large bone in my pinscher.
If you will not regret it.
He's great is stubborn, he is brave, is nervous.
It can eat you ...


Lack of hygiene also brings a reduction in quality of life, a great influence in a number diseases. Next are the 4 key points for Hygiene Miniature Pinscher:
  1. Bath and Grooming
  2. Hygiene of the Teeth
  3. Cleaning the ears
  4. House cleaning and utensils

1. Bathing and Grooming

Because it is a dog of the smooth and short coat maintenance is easy, requiring only regular brushing to remove loose hair. The bath should be avoided, since it removes the natural oils and protective skin.
Therefore baths 3 or 4 times a year, with appropriate shampoo. is enough to keep your pet clean. Only in exceptional cases, such as when the dog rolls in the mud bath should be given an exceptional animal.
When the baths are excessive, the hair of the dog may damage, leading to drying, dandruff, reduce the brightness of the increase and even the smell of dogs.
The bath must always be tempered with water, warm water being ideal. Washing have to be careful washing of the head not to get water in the ears and the eyes.
In the first months of life the dog a bath isn't advised, only after 6 months.

2. Hygiene of the Teeth

The dental hygiene is necessary depending on the formation of plaque and tartar that the animal has, with this feature turned on the individuality of it. Brushing can be done with brush and special toothpaste for dogs. Also on the market some biscuits / bones that aims to clean the teeth.
In the case of baby dogs is advised to clean teeth with compresses and saline. 

3. Cleaning the Ears and Eyes

Cleaning the ear canal should be performed in order to remove excess wax and wane humidity channel, especially after the baths, where often the water entering the ear canal ends predisposing the animal to inflammation of the ears. In the case of the Miniature Pinscher has to be very careful with the cleaning of the ears, especially when small, because the ears can go.
The cleaning of the eyes should be done with swabs / cloth / cotton pads and saline.

4. Cleaning the House and Utensils

The house, utensils, food and water bowls, toys, blankets should always be washedwith soap and water in order to remove organic matter (hair, dander, saliva, and urine and feces) that can contain these tools and create favorable conditions for growth of bacteria and fungi. It isn't necessary to use any type of disinfectant, mainly because of its toxicity.

Jan 24, 2012


The Miniature Pinscher dog is classified as a luxury, despite being excellent guard.
It's a dog that has a temperament and striking are: bold, brave, curious and addicted.
Miniature Pinschers have a docile character, but they are very suspicious, especially with strangers or strange situations, and at that time usually in the form of barking warns. They have great mobility and agility, are very intelligent,loyal and very stylish. If we look at your floor sees another characteristic of the breed: its past short and fast, resembling a horse.
They tend to eat up the needs, developing a tendency to obesity. Therefore it isappropriate to monitor the food of the animal.
This breed adapts easily in small environments such as apartments. However, they need to socialize with other dogs, because without proper training andsocialization, this breed can become aggressive, even attacking dogs bigger than him.
Pinschers like children, however, isn't advised to contact with very young children because it can hurt (due to its size) and therefore cause a violent reaction to it with the child.
They are so stubborn dogs need a firm owner!
Being considered the watchdogs world's smallest, the Miniature Pinscher aren't afraid of anything or anyone, because it isn't aware of its small size.
They have a very acute hearing and therefore also prove great guardians of the house.

Physical Characteristics

The Miniature Pinscher belongs to Group 2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossus and Swiss Cattle - and Section 1 - Pinscher and Schnauzer type.
The Miniature Pinscher has short hair, bright and dense. The most common colors are black and tan and brown.
It's a small dog.
With square proportions, the Miniature Pinscher has a height ranging between 25 and 30 cm at the withers*, and weigh about 3 to 6 Kg.
The head should be elegant and without wrinkles. The nose is black, the eyes are dark and the ears are medium in size and facing up.
Though small, the Miniature Pinscher is a relatively broad chest and strong legs.
The tail is sometimes amputated.

Cinofilia Standard Nomenclature


1 - Nose                         10 - Root of the tail              19 - Elbow
2 - Muzzle                      11 - ischium                         20 - Ground Line
3 - Stop                          12 - Thigh                            21 - Knuckles
4 - Skull                         13 - Leg                               22 - Carpus
5 - Occiput                     14 - Hock                             23 - Forearm
6 - Withers                     15 - Metatarsal                      24 - Level of the sternum
7 - Back                          16 - Feet                             25 - Arm
8 - Loin                          17 - Knee                             26 - Point of sternum 
9 - Croup                        18 - Bottom Line                  27 - Tip of the shoulder

a - Depth of chest
b - the elbow
a + b = height of the dog the withers *

Jan 23, 2012


The Miniature Pinscher is a German breed, was originally used to hunt rats and other small rodents. This is now primarily used as a company dog.
The breed is known by historians, since 1836, when the German writer Dr.H. G. Reinchenbachsaid wrote about the crossbreeding of the dachshunds with the Italian greyhound.
Another theory states that the Pinscher would have been derived from selected matings between the Standard Pinscher, that is now extinct.
Later, another theory appears in the United States of America, It states that minituare Pinscher, was a crossbreeding between dobermans. It is gaining more supporters.
In fact, in this country, the Doberman was introduced earlier than the Miniature Pinscher, but in fact, the Miniature Pinscher emerged decades before the Doberman.
When the progeny of the Miniature Pinscher was further discovered, it was concluded that the breed descended from various terriers in Germany, including the German Pinscher.
Other races may have been introduced in the blood of the Miniature Pinscher, such as the Dachshund and Italian Greyhound.

But no matter the theory, what isn't questioned is the German origin!

Miniature Pinscher

Origin: Germany   
Date: XVIII century 
Life expectancy: 13 to 14 years 
Height: 25 to 30 cm 
Weight: 3 to 6 kg 
Rating: Company and guard
Exercise: Medium 
Training: Medium
Climate: Temperate 
Space: House
Hair: Short
Colors: Black/Brown