Sep 1, 2013

When and how to clean your dog's eyes?

When you notice an accumulation of secretion in the eyes of your dog, know that it is time for a cleaning site.

Some breeds require more frequent care, others less, but all are subject to problems arising from poor hygiene. Therefore, some basic precautions should be taken.

Always use saline to clean the eyes of your dog. Do not rub cotton, gauze or any other tissue in the eyes of your dog, they are very sensitive to friction, serious injuries may occur. Ping the serum or gently apply with the help of cotton or gauze, in the eyes of your pet. It is the best way to perform this cleaning.

Do not use a "jet" very strong to not scare your dog, but that is enough to draw out impurities and dirt.
Do not use eye drops on your own, as you may cause from simple irritation to a corneal ulcer.

Try to do regular cleaning of your dog's eyes. Thus, you will create the habit of examining it, which will prevent the onset of more serious problems.

When you notice any changes, such as itchy eyes and runny with colors ranging from yellow to dark green spots or bumps in the eyes, look for the vet, so he set an appropriate treatment for your dog.

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