Feb 27, 2012

The true age of a dog

  • The newborn: from birth to 12 days old
It is the stage where the puppy depends exclusively on their mother. At this age he can not control the temperature of your own body needs physical stimulation to pee and poop, and not see or hear, but it smells the mother.
  • Transition Period: 13-20 days of life
At this stage the puppy goes through many physical changes. The eyes open, he begins to "crawl", he can hear, and, around the 20th day since the first tooth appears.
  • Recognition Period: from 21 to 28 days
Only now he begins to use their senses of hearing and vision. It can recognize movements, and objects. He really needs his mother and siblings to feel safe and, because these sensory perceptions occur in unusually abrupt, it is very important that the environment in which he lives is calm and stable.
  • Canine Socialization Period: 21-49 days of life
It is when the puppy learns the specific behaviors that make him a dog. It is so important not to take the puppy in the litter before 7 weeks of life. It is during this period that he learned notions of hygiene, respect for hierarchy, and be disciplined. With his brothers he learns the game "dominated dominant x"
  • Socialization with Human Period: 7-12 weeks of age
This is the best time for a puppy to join his new family. This is also the best time to introduce you to things that will be part of your life. For example, cars, other animals, children, elderly, sounds, etc.. Everything learned in this phase are permanent.
  • Fear First Period: 8-11 weeks of age
During this period any traumatic experience, painful or frightening is going to have a more lasting impact than at any other stage of life of the animal.
  • Period of "Rebel Without a Cause": 13 to 16 weeks of life
That's when the little miscreant decides to test all the patience of their owners. He will try to bite, even if it seems a joke, dominate, and test to see who is the leader of the pack. This is the best time to start the Basic Obedience training for puppies.
  • Period of "Breaks": 4-8 months of life
If you have not taught your puppy to come when called, this is the time. At this age it develops a "selective deafness" which may last a few days to several weeks. It is very important that owners know how to react at this stage to prevent your dog from becoming a perpetual runaway.
  • Second Period of Fear: 6 to 14 months
It is when the dog begins to be reluctant to approach things or new people or even known. The most important is that the owners do not force the dog in these situations, and not try to console them, letting it work itself that there is no reason to be afraid. The obedience training at this time helps to build self-confidence of the dog.
  • Maturity: 1-4 years of life (varies between races)
For most breeds maturity (including sexual) occurs between 1.5 and 3 years of age, and small breeds tend to mature earlier than the giant dogs.This period is usually marked with an increase in aggression and a new test of the authority of the leader. The increased aggressiveness is not necessarily a negative thing. Many dogs that were overly friendly with strangers become great watchdogs. Undoubtedly, this is a great opportunity to strengthen the leadership of owners through a refresher training in Basic Obedience (now for Adult Dogs)

It is true that each year of a dog's life equals seven years of humans? 
No, actually the relationship between the age of the dogs and their owners is not linear. For example: a dog a year old now can have puppies, but a 7 year old is not ready to be a mother.

There are small variations in the tables that define the correlation of aged humans and dogs, but basically it can be considered that:


  1. Always choose carefully dog training and dog obedience training service provider. Because your cute puppy is so soft.
    Obedience Training for Puppies

  2. Love this i'm going to print this out to help us know how our little Min Pin is growing :)

  3. Now this is really good and informative post, it contains all the information one need to know about dogs. I know many people who love dogs and this post will be of great use from them. Thank you for sharing it with us
